Solihull and District

Solihull Drinker Advertising

Why not advertise with us in the Solihull Drinker?

The Solihull Drinker is the A5 quarterly magazine of Solihull & District branch of CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale), and is published quarterly at the start of March, June, September & December, with around 2500 free copies being distributed to some 80 pubs (and some clubs, restaurants and off licences) within Solihull, and local parts of Warwickshire and Birmingham. It’s also available here online, as well as on our Facebook and X (Twitter) pages.

We very much welcome enquiries from potential advertisers, and you definitely do not have to be a pub, brewery, club or restaurant to advertise or benefit. Other businesses can raise their profile too; for example, taxi or other transport companies, restaurants or fast-food outlets, and many others.

It might be possible for us to offer adverts for certain sectors on an exclusive basis, so if you run a taxi company (as an example) we might be able to agree that yours would be the only such advertiser benefitting from being in our magazine.

If you think you might be interested then get in touch, or if you know anyone who might benefit from such advertising then please pass on this information.

Our advertising is competitively priced.

Advertising Rates from 1st January 2024

Full (A5) page £120.00 (Not available)
1/2 page £90.00 £120.00 (landscape only
1/3 page £66.00 £90.00
1/4 page £54.00 £72.00
1/6 page £42.00 £56.00

Black & white advertisements will be accepted but will be charged at colour rate. Please note that payment terms are 30 days from date of invoice.


You will receive 10% off for bookings as a CAMRA member (a current CAMRA membership number must be provided) and a 10% discount for advertisers taking out an advert for 4 consecutive editions (the advert can be amended for each edition if you want to take advantage of including time bound offers, for example).

If both discounts are applied, it is 20% off the advertising rate quoted above.

If you would like to see what kind of adverts we currently have or to see copies of the Solihull Drinker see below or please visit our Solihull Drinker Magazine pages ).

If you want to advertise with us or simply want to explore the possibility of doing so then please contact Ray on 07784 738514 or at ku.gro.armac.lluhilos@rotide .

The latest version can be downloaded below.

For previous versions of the Solihull Drinker see Solihull CAMRA Archive