Solihull and District

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Beer and Curry night

Thursday 18 April 2019 18:30

Meet in the “Forest Hotel” in Dorridge anytime from 6.30pm onwards for a few pints. Leave at 8pm for a short walk down the road to the “Saleem Bagh” Indian Restaurant.

The “Forest Hotel” is only over the road from Dorridge station so is relatively easy to get too. Afterwards we can either go back to the Forest or move onto either the KDCC or “The Railway”. I will need to confirm the number of people out of courtesy to the restaurant by the 08/04/19 at the very latest, so if you are going to attend can you please let me Dave Mckowen know asap at ku.gro.armac.lluhilos@pihsrebmem .