Trip to Portsmouth.
Day trip to visit Portsmouth GBG pubs ***** PLACES STILL AVAILABLE *******
Beer Festival thank you trip to Portsmouth visiting eight GBG-listed pubs, including the local branch Pub of the Year. It's a relatively short crawl between them - only around three miles in total. The pubs are the Lawrence Arms, Phoenix, Wine Vaults, Meat & Barrel, Wave Maiden, Belle Isle, Barley Mow and Hole in the Wall.
The pick-up points will be at the bus stop at the top of Station Road in Knowle (8:30 am), then Solihull railway station, and Shirley railway station; arrival at the Lawrence Arms should be around midday. The coach will leave at 7 pm, with drop-offs from around 10 pm.
The trip is free to those that helped at the beer festival.
There will be a number of spare places open to all other members and their guests at a reduced rate of £10 - if you are interested please contact Martin Buck